It’s that time! The Allee Creative annual gratitude post. This year, we have experienced some great things as a team both within our company walls and outside of work. And while we can be overwhelmed at times, we also do our best to remember the importance of being grateful. Each week during our team staff meetings, we kick things off with our high/low discussion. Everyone goes around the room and gives their high and their low for the week. And it doesn’t have to be work-related. Many times it’s not and those can be the most fun to talk about. It has shown us more about each other as individuals and allows us to share in each other’s joy (and sometimes, sadness). I look forward to those impromptu discussions each week and it is one of the things I am grateful for–to be able to get to know my team better.
I work with some pretty amazing people. And I am truly grateful for them. We are the best when we are working and having fun as a team. I couldn’t do what I do without any of them. So I thought it was important to ask each of them what they are thankful for this year. So without further ado, here are some of our team’s answers when asked, “What are you grateful for this year?”
Nicole Stephany, client experiences director
I am so grateful for the opportunity to officially join this fantastic team! It has been a year of great successes, and so much fun to be able to share that experience. I am also thankful for the ability to have more stability for my family, and the flexibility to be with them as needed. It will be so much fun to see what the next year has to bring!
Stephanie Peterson, marketing specialist
I am grateful for all the kind that comes from disastrous situations (people stepping up to help by volunteering and donating). I am grateful for having the health, time and resources to go on adventures and to have a travel companion who always answers “Yes” to “Do you want to go on an adventure?” For Mother Earth for providing us with the still silence and raw beauty of nature. For making new friendships and rekindling old ones. For having family and friends in my life that support me through my endeavors, offering emotional and financial support (and offering advice and an ear when I just need to vent). And for graduating college, finding a job within my degree (that I am loving so far!)
Tiffany Grover, account manager
I am grateful for my new position at Allee Creative and the opportunity to work with such a fantastic team. My son Braylon, who is my heart. My family and friends and our new home in St. Michael–the place that we now will call home for the next 20+ years.
Ashtyn Hnatek, marketing specialist
This past year I have found myself to be incredibly thankful for my loved ones, for all of the love, support and encouragement they extend. This year has been so much sweeter because of them. In addition to my loved ones, I have learned to be grateful for the many moments of solitude I have encountered– viewing them as a sweet gift. I have loved this year, and I am grateful for the new-ness that is to come.
Jill Jacobson, events specialist
This year I am thankful for my easy-going, smiling baby girl that was born in March. Our family of 3 girls is complete! I am thankful for work life balance of a flex schedule working with Allee Creative. 🙂 I am thankful for health and great family and friend support as we built our ‘forever’ home this summer.
Katrina Miller, administrative assistant
I’m thankful for change. This year my husband and I moved to a new city, found a new house and started new jobs. Change can be stressful at times, but we have been surrounded by supportive family and friends who make every day joyful.
Lauren Jordan, account manager
2017 has provided me with the opportunity to reach a handful of goals, both personal and career-related. I’m lucky to have such an encouraging support system of family and friends through it all. I’m also thankful for a full year spent at Allee, continuing to learn and grow in new ways, working with a wonderful, inspiring team.
Stacia Lungstrom, events specialist
This year there are so many things to be thankful for. The health and wellness of my family and loved ones is always at the forefront. I am thankful for the positive and supporting work environment I get to be part of which makes “work” not always feel as such. I am thankful for my sweet niece who was born this past February. She lights up a room and it’s fun to see my brother as a parent. I am thankful that I have so many things to be thankful for that I can’t possibly list them all in a few sentences!
In addition to the Allee Creative team here in the office, we also partner with some pretty fabulous colleagues, agencies and friends. In no particular order, I would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout-out to:
- Dave Yankowiak our original WordPress guru. Even though he’s taken on a new gig, we know we can always hit him up with questions as they arise.
- Matt Whiteley from Whiteley Designs, a new connection and the most timely website programmer I’ve ever worked with. Thank you for all the awesomeness you’ve provided us with so far this year.
- Derek and Tess Sussner who are the best networkers around (and fabulous designers). We are grateful for all the introductions you’ve sent our way this year.
- MAS Office Cleaners because, let’s face it, we’d be knee-deep in dust bunnies if we didn’t have y’all cleaning our office each week!
- Boundless Network and Lanae Wallace for always being there with the latest and greatest swag ideas for our clients.
- Josie Adkins who is finishing up her final years at the U of M and is an amazing illustrator. We can’t wait to work with you more in 2018!
- The First Impression Group and Travis Klaas who ALWAYS has our back with last-minute printing needs (and exceptional quality to boot).
- The Buttercream Blonde who sends yummy treats to the office and is helping us once again this year with year-end gifts to clients.
Check them out by clicking their links as highlighted. Tell them we sent you. You won’t be disappointed.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support. We are truly blessed to do what we love each day. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season. Take time to reflect. To be grateful. It’s so worth it.