You finally did it. Your website has gone live and is overflowing with your best written content. Each page is ready to go, all images have been designed to perfection and your CTAs are in place.
Now, before all that, you likely thought through your content strategy and built your keyword lists. But, I also know that those pieces are sometimes missed or put on the back burner because you really just “want to get the website live!”
So, as you wait for your site to be found among the other 1 billion websites that have been created and maintained, let’s at least double check that your marketing plan is ready to go. This plan is more important than ever, as it accounts for the online success of your business. Your overall goal should go beyond simply having a website that is found among the rest. It should include crafting an exceptional user experience for those who do find it.
Not everyone understands SEO and the role it plays in your success. If you are one of them, there are services like RankUp SEO that can help you with SEO and prioritize your website in searches. The success of your site depends upon the priority of your site in searches and appearance of your ads on appropriate sites. The proxies for ad verification ensures that your ads appear on relevant sites.And if you didn’t work through these items before your new site went up, have no fear. You can tweak as you go, too. The following 5 SEO tips are pertinent to anyone, at any stage of your website or digital channel content launch(es). Take a look:
Good content is actually king
If you haven’t already heard, content is king. More than this, though, good content is actually king. It’s one thing to have a large volume of content and another to have less content that is great quality. When we say content, we mean text, imagery, audio and video! Search engines are on the lookout for good, quality content because this is what they want to deliver directly to their users. Be sure to intentionally craft great content your users will love.
Page layout
The layout of your entire website is important, as the placement of certain pieces of content will work together to help your website be found. It’s a smart tactic to include specific content in a way that actually helps Google figure out and determine what your content is – because this is what is going to increase the chances of your site being seen. Be sure the content included in your META title tag, META description and linking anchor text is made up of words people might already be searching for.
Links matter
Google has its own unique algorithm it uses to determine what the search engine results will be. A good link is one that Google considers to be “authoritative” and “relevant.” For each good link, it is like having one good vote on your side! However, for bad links that source back to “unreliable” and “spam-like” sites will result in negative search engine optimization. One major rule of thumb to follow is to earn your links rather than buy them. Buying links is frowned upon and won’t lead to better SEO.
User experience and online performance
This one should be a no brainer. Of course, you want your users to have a good experience on your site whether it’s on a computer, tablet or a mobile device. It is a must that your site should load quickly, be simple to understand and optimized for different devices.
Social media plays a role, too
Believe it or not, it’s as if all social media platforms and Google are having a conversation. Google has the ability to see what kind of content is being posted on other platforms and monitor the amount of engagement is taking place. Social media and SEO go hand in hand. If your engagement is high, this will work in your favor. If it isn’t, better take some time to plan out the perfect social media strategy.
There you have it, 5 things you needed to know about SEO marketing. Your next step is to sit down and do the work because SEO isn’t free. Our blog is overflowing with ways to craft content, social media tips and tricks, marketing trends and all things strategy when it comes to your business – and we’d love to help!